CYRCON: Latinitza & Cyrillic Converter

CyrCon can translate latinitza into cyrillic characters and convert between the following cyrillic encodings: windows-1251, iso-8859-5, koi8-r, mac-cyrillic and dos cp 866, as well as UTF-8 and UTF-16 unicode encodings.
You can then copy the text to windows clipboard as either unicode or localized text and paste it into another application, such as e-mail.
CyrCon for Windows can open and save plain text, UTF-8 and UTF-16 files.
CyrCon for Windows works on any Win-32 platform such as Windows 98 or Windows XP. Command-line CyrCon works on Windows or Linux.
CyrCon for Windows
This is the file you should download if you are not sure what to get.The installation procedure is as follows: unzip into the directory of your choice and create a shortcut to cyrcon.exe. To use any non-windows cyrillic encoding, configure the fonts in the font setup dialog.
To uninstall, delete this file and the shortcut.
Command-line CyrCon
if you need to convert text in batch files or shell scripts. After downloading and decompressing the appropriate file, run
ccc -h
for instructions.
Version History
Version, Dec 15, 2003-Some changes to compilation procedure
-Minor fixes of console version
-Linux port of console version
Version, Dec 11, 2003
-By popular request, convert from cyrillic to latinica
-Source and target encoding displayed in status bar
-Some minor fixes
Version, Nov 24, 2003
-Fixed reading and writing UTF-16 files to make them compatible with Windows Notepad
Version, Jul 30, 2003
-Automatically recognize UTF-8 when pasting text from clipboard
-Gost 7.79-2000 Latinica encoding (thanks to Sergey L Rozanov for the suggestion)
-Console build : a command line version of cyrcon. Launch "cyrcon_console.exe help" for usage instructions
This program is written in Delphi 5. Download the source code here: