Boris Grebenshikov @ Prodac

Boris Grebenschikov in New York
October 2, 1997 @ Korova Milk Bar
October 3, 16 and 19, 1997 @ Lions Den

Here's a review of 10/2 and 10/3 events by Mike M.D... and Benya, who just wouldn't shut up (as usual) and put his comments in parentesis (as usual). (Skip the text which appears like this if you're not interested in Benya's comments)

Mike M.D.'s article about Bob's concert in Wetlands, hanging out with Bob and Dmitri Strizhov, new materials, and a conversion of one skeptical ex-fan into a dedicated groopie: ÐÎÊ'Í'ÐÎËË ÌÅÐÒÂ?

Exclusive Photographs from the 10/02/97 Korova concert shot by Igor Aronov.

Ïëàíåòà Àêâàðèóì - Great site dedicated to BG and Aquarium. Unofficial, but officially endorsed by Bob.

Get some BG or Aquarium CDs right here: Aquarium @ Russian Music Gallery

Boris Grebenshikov in Philadelphia
10/25/97, 7 p.m
Corner of 2nd and Bainbridge Streets

Send your reviews and other valuable comments to