The Genesis Project
Space Kadets Collective

dedicated to ED-e Billian 1-8-97 R.I.P.
- Space Kadets Collective, NYC. Just returning from Europe with wax hot off the presses. This funkmasta will slam you beyond recognition. Be prepared.
Tommy Tunes and Gonzo
- Digital Domain, NYC. This duo never let us down! See them AGAIN for the first time tearing up in a wicked tag team.
- Space Kadets Collective. NYC. A vital member of the east coast posse! Hear him as he shakes you up and makes you tremble, begging him to never stop.
Space Girl
- EDM Records, NYC. The Russian Princess heard at Techno Nation is gonna blow your mind once again with her live performance
G. Gewell
- The Genesis Project, Philly. Stopping at nuttin', this man will bring you to your knees in praise - straight up ass-shakin' shit. Don't miss this!
Ian Mac
- This guy is soon to be a household name. Come and listen and soon you'll be addicted to his sound, crying for another fix - 'nuff said.
Jan. 09, 1998. PA Location TBA.
Keeping with the old sKool Flava : $10!
9 p.m. SHARP
212.629.2009 - - 718.390.7274 - - 215.552.8991
Layin' down the cardboard for the breakers... much respect.
See the back of the flyer
Space Kadets Collective ------- The Genesis Project ------- PRODAC